About K-pop Groups' Pricey Albums and Items… 高くない??韓ドルのグッズ事情
This time, I'd like to talk about the situation of Korean idol merchandise, that every K-pop fans must have thought about at least once!
As a student, I find BTS's CD albums a bit expensive and wonder if I really need them all, so I looked at some online articles to see what people thought!
This topic has been covered in an article of Wall Street Journal.
"Stars are counting on superfans—die-hard loyalists who follow their every move—to buy it all. Yet the onslaught of collectible music products has some of those fans and people in the music business asking just how much is too much?"
It's natural that fans really want to buy all items of their favorite idols. A lot of fans would feel pressured to buy them. If you don't buy them, you might feel as if you're not a fan. There is a disparity between fans who have the items and those who don't... It's a business, so I can understand people take advantage of it, but still some items are pretty expensive.😓
However, there's a reason for this merch situation. Nowadays, digital distribution is the mainstream, not CDs! I'm sure that many of you are listening to downloaded music. In other words, the number of people who buy CDs for the CDs has been decreasing. In this way, photos cards and accessories become the main content. That's why CDs with a lot of extras are now sold at a high price. It's not very nice, especially for fans who don't have a lot of money, like teenagers.😂
I think there's also some merits to all these photos and other items that come with CDs. For example, having the items makes you feel closer to your favourite artists. It creates a sense of unity among the fans too!
In conclusion, Korean idols' albums and items can be expensive, especially for younger people. This is something that young fans feel pressured about. However, I feel that there are some fun good sides of having these special albums and merch.
Let's continue to enjoy the otaku life, all K-pop fans!
Thanks for reading this post😊
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今回はけーぽオタなら一度は考えたことがあるであろう韓国アイドルのグッズ事情について話します! 学生の私からするとBTSのアルバムって少し高くてほんとにいる?って思うものがあったので、ネット記事を見て意見をまとめてみました!
この話題、Wall Street Journal の記事で取り上げられていました。
しかしこの写真やグッズが多くついてくるのにはメリットもあると思うんです!! 例えば、グッズを持つことによって推しに近づけた気持ちになるのはもちろん、ファンの間にも一体感が生まれます! やはりグッズやトレカを集めることにはオタクからしたらかなり価値があるんですよね😍
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