Meet Choreographers behind BTS's Dances Part 2 BTSの振付師たち Part 2 

This is the part two of the post about choreographers of BTS.



④Sienna Lalau シエナ・ララウ

She was born in 2000 in Hawaii and moved to LA at 16. She has been an ARMY and had been to BTS's concert before she choreographed!

★Dionysus (2019)

"これまでの人生で振り付けをした中で最もクールなもののひとつ🤩私たちの構想が実現するのを見るのはとてもクレイジーでクールです @inthelab247 🙌🏽 @bts.bighitofficial & Big Hit Entertainment に感謝します! あなたたちのために創造するというすばらしい機会をいただき、とても光栄です! あなたたちは絶対に成功します」


★Chicken noodle soup


★On (2020)

"it was such an honor and a blessing to choreograph AND dance in such an amazing song with some of the most hardworking and talented artists ever."


Sienna Lalau was only 19 when she did the choreo for ON. She must be so talented to be a choreographer like this!!!!

➄Sergio Reis

He is a Brazilian dancer and choreographer, who did the choreography for Black Swan.

彼はブラジル人のダンサー兼振付師で、Black Swanの振り付けを担当しました。

★Black Swan(2020)

"this is absolutely beautiful... Grateful that I could be part of the creative process for the Black Swan choreography."

「これは本当に美しい... Black Swanの振り付けの創作過程に参加できたことに感謝しています」
I think there's a lot of fans who like Black Swan's choreo.Especially Jimin's dance is really beautiful✨
Black Swanのダンスが好きな人は多いと思います。特にジミンのダンス力が光っていて、かっこいいですよね✨

⑥Nicky Andersen ニッキー・アンダーソン

Nicky Andersen is a choreographer and dancer from Denmark, who now lives in Los Angeles. He worked on Disney movie Aladdin as an assistant choreographer and was Aladdin's dance double.

★Filter (2020)


 "Words can't describe how emotional I got when I saw the amazing Park Jimin execute my steps So beautifully! Kinda surreal to be working for someone, who you are a fan of -- but it also makes me give all I got and to push my limits beyond."


★Dynamite (2020)

For only 2 days the video reached 150 million viewers. This choreo is a big trend and a lot of people dance to this and post it on SNS.

このMVは2日で1.5億回も再生されています! dynamiteの振りもバズって多くの人が踊ってSNSに載せていますよね。


I'm actually embarrassed to admit that I didn't know much about the choreographers of BTS, so I was happy to learn about many of them through this article😁.
Isn't it interesting that the songs choreographed by the same choreographer have a similar vibe in some way? I learned that there are many people who are working for BTS's unique and appealing dances, and that each one of them is very talented. Now with the knowledge, I bet I will enjoy watching BTS perform more from now on.

同じ振付師が担当している曲は心なしか似た雰囲気を持っていたりして、興味深くないですか? BTSの個性的で魅力のあるダンスを裏で支えている人がたくさんいて、一人一人がすごく才能のある人たちだと知りました。これからはさらにBTSのパフォーマンスを楽しめると思います!
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