Thinking about Asian Solidarity through BTS's AAPI Tweet  BTSを通して考えるアジアの連帯


 The news of BTS's protest against Asian hate crimes has been covered by major media both in Japan and overseas, and I'm sure many of you have heard about it. (If you haven't, see the news on BBC here.) 

I thought it was natural that BTS made this statement because they are highly concerned about racial discrimination issues, plus they had made $1 million  donations to the BLM movement as well. However, the Japanese Yahoo News article about this has been flooded with comments criticizing the statement BTS made. In this article, I'm going to think about it.

This Yahoo News article has received over 4000 comments. I took a quick look at the comments and found that most of them are criticizing BTS and Korea, like this: "BTS dressed up as Nazis and one of them wore an atomic bomb T-shirt in the past and haven't apologized properly for those behaviors. Koreans often boycott Japanese products. So how dare they protest against racial discrimination?" I don't believe that boycotting Japanese products is considered as the same as discrimination or hate crimes. We shouldn't mix up political conflicts with racism and hate crimes.

What bothers me when I see these comments is the fact that BTS were criticized and flamed by the same Asian people for protesting against Asian hate. There are some right-wing people in Japan who don't support the Stop AAPI Hate movement because they don't want to be treated the same as the Koreans and Chinese. (Some Japanese are annoyed by being lumped in with the Chinese and Koreans.)

The fact that Asians (mainly Japan, Korea, and China) are divided is an obstacle when protesting about discrimination against Asians. The phrase "stand in solidarity" is often used in the Stop AAPI Hate movement. The historical and political issues between Japan, China, and Korea will not be solved easily, so I think it's important for Asians to be in solidarity beyond political conflicts. And in order to be in solidarity, we need to interact with each other on a personal level, such as understanding and enjoying beauties of each culture. Of course, compassion and reason are required too. 

There are pros and cons to celebrities making political statements. But since BTS is popular in many Asian countries, I would expect they could not only protest against Asian hate, but also make statements that connect Japan and Korea, and Asians as a whole. As a fan, I'll be happy to see that my idols are changing society for the better, and I think it's great that supporting our idols becomes an opportunity to think about social issues.

Thanks for reading this post😊

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こういうコメントを見ていて悩むのは、「アジア人ヘイトへの抗議をして同じアジア人から批判され攻撃される」ということなんですよね。日本の右翼的な人は韓国・中国と一緒にされたくないといって、Stop AAPI Hate運動を積極的に支持しない人も多いです。(日本人には中国人や韓国人と一緒にされて迷惑しているというスタンスの人もいます)

アジア人(主に日本・韓国・中国か)が分断されているということが、アジア人差別に抗議していくうえで障害になっていると言えると思います。Stop AAPI Hate運動で、Stand in solidarityという言葉がよく出てきます。日中韓の歴史的、政治的問題は簡単には 解決されないでしょうから、アジア人はこのような国家間の軋轢を超えたところで一体感を持てるかどうかがカギになると思います。そして一体感を持つためには、それぞれの文化を理解してよいものを取り入れ楽しむことなど、個人レベルでの交流も大切なのかもしれません。もちろん思いやりとか理性が求められるというのが前提ですよね。 

芸能人が政治的な発言をすることについては賛否両論ありますが、私はBTSはアジア各国で人気の高いグループなので、アジアンヘイトへの抗議だけでなく、日本と韓国、そしてアジア人全体をつなぐような発言もしてくれることを期待します。推しが社会をいい方向に変えてくれるのはファンとして嬉しいだけでなく、アイドルを応援すると同時に社会のことを知って自分も社会の問題について考える きっかけになるのはすばらしいと思います。

